Subscribe Subscribed 30 CITA CITA (Congreso Internacional de Tango Argentino) is the world’s largest and most important annual (since 1999) gathering of tango lo... 04.3K00
Subscribe Subscribed 36 Tango Elements Cosmotango & TangoPal Inc. are pioneers in innovative online and DVD-based tango tutoring and entertainment. Ranging from casual... 03.9K00
Subscribe Subscribed 26 Tango Tips Cosmotango & TangoPal Inc. are pioneers in innovative online and DVD-based tango tutoring and entertainment. Ranging from casual... 03.8K00
Subscribe Subscribed 24 Tango Combinations Cosmotango & TangoPal Inc. are pioneers in innovative online and DVD-based tango tutoring and entertainment. Ranging from casual... 04K00
Subscribe Subscribed 14 Technique Cosmotango & TangoPal Inc. are pioneers in innovative online and DVD-based tango tutoring and entertainment. Ranging from casual... 04K00
Subscribe Subscribed 16 Vals Cosmotango & TangoPal Inc. are pioneers in innovative online and DVD-based tango tutoring and entertainment. Ranging from casual... 04.1K00
Subscribe Subscribed 14 Milonga Cosmotango & TangoPal Inc. are pioneers in innovative online and DVD-based tango tutoring and entertainment. Ranging from casual... 03.7K00
Subscribe Subscribed 16 Events Find performances, classes and more taking place at Cosmotango & Tangopal Events 03.8K00
Subscribe Subscribed 10 Performances Find performances and shows featuring Fabian Salas, Lola Diaz and many more around the globe 03.4K00
Subscribe Subscribed 6 Premios Tango Premios Tango is the first ever recognition award for tango dancers, teachers, DJs and entrepreneurs; founded and directed by world... 03.9K00